Accessibility Starter Toolkit - Help Center
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This help page only relates to the Freemium plugin that is shipped as part of Moodle 3.11
The Brickfield Accessibility Toolkit scans some html content within Moodle and tests the content against a subset of the Web Accessibility Content Guidelines to identify what content may need improving.
The Freemium product within Moodle 3.11 offers just a limited set of our reports:
- Error listing
- Activity Breakdown pass rate
- Content types pie chart
- Summary report
We offer a 3 or 6 month hosted paid pilot for organisations to evaluate the platform and test with an internal working group.
The Freemium plugin examines the HTML of most of the Moodle core course activity and resource types.
The Freemium plugin follows the standard Moodle multi-language approach so that the interface and materials can be translated into any language.
The Freemium version downloaded PDF report is for printing. It is generated by the standard Moodle PDF generator. All of the information that is contained on it is available accessibly through the web interface.
For the Freemium plugin in Moodle 3.11, we can provide an optional support contract for assisting with training and usage of the system.
These support/training agreements are operated on a draw-down basis where you can buy bundles of 5 days of assistance and they are used up over the subsequent year as and when you need.
Instructors shouldn’t really need to understand all the technical details behind the accessibility standards.
Help your instructors focus on creating the best course content for learners whilst we help remove barriers for your learners.
Our integrated platform will help reduce costs with productivity gains, have happier instructors, and create more engaged students who can access the content the way they need.
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