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Accessibility Training

Module Details

The main objective of this set of training webinars is to enable participants to develop theoretical and practical understanding about accessibility for content design. The synchronous course is organised into four modules that are delivered over Zoom each month, one per week.

These are delivered at 4pm Irish time every Wednesday, which equates to 11am Eastern Time.

Access to On-Demand recordings are provided to attendees for ongoing access.

Providing a foundational knowledge in disabilities and digital accessibility helps build momentum in the accessibility project and provide the foundational knowledge about why something is needed.

The workshop introduces

  • Disability and accessibility concepts
  • Permanent, Temporary & Situational scenarios​
  • The broad usefulness of accessible content
  • The concept of personas
  • Examples of approaches in guidance provision

Taking the concepts of digital accessibility and applying this specifically to building web content is important. These guidelines apply as much to content built in courses in the LMS as to content built in websites like WordPress. This virtual workshop includes

  • A sample set of personas and examination of the issues they face on the web
  • Recap on key accessibility aspects in content
  • A look at content editor in LMSes
  • Key considerations when building Images, Layout, Links, Multimedia, tables, and Text type content

A lot of material created by academic staff and provided to and used by students in online courses tend to be either MS Office documents (Word document, Excel Spreadsheets, PowerPoint Presentations) or PDF files – which are often printed or exported versions of the office documents.

This session will look at MS Word and PowerPoint (or Google Docs and Google Slides) and how to create better new documents and improve existing documents to provide a better experience for all users.

We will also look at some of the other features available in Office 365 (or Google) for users

Much of the content we create now involves multi-media. Videos, Podcasts, Audio files and images. This workshop brings attendees through the different considerations when creating the different media types including:

  • Introduction to a set of personas and examination of the issues they face using media
  • A look at different types of images, and how to approach ensuring their use is accessible to all
  • A look at audio and video and how video can be added to LMS courses
  • First steps with Captions, and different ways to create them

Registration Form

Complete the following form to buy up to 5 tickets online now with a Credit Card.

If you need to buy more, and with an invoice / purchase order, please contact us.

Training Course Registration

The people will be created on the Brickfield Academy site within 1 working day and they will be emailed their login details.

Participant 1

Enter the name and email of the first attendee.

Participant 2

Enter the name and email of the second attendee.

Participant 3

Enter the name and email of the third attendee.

Payment Details

0,00 €